Sunday, December 29, 2013

No Salt to be left over in the plate after meal.

Topic: Left over salt in the plate after meal should be rubbed on the plate so that no salt is left in the plate.

Myth: If salt is left over on the plate, the person who is having meal is in low confidence (Viswas) with the person who is offering the meal.

Reason: Any food content which has high salt content is generally subject to low contamination for example pickles have very high salt content and thus they are preserved for long time even with out any preservatives. In early days most of the time there were no plates and people used to eat food in leaves(ex banana leaf). Now a days we have dustbin and generally we clean the dustbin on a daily basis, but in olden days they used to have the concept of pit in which the house hold dirt would be collected and only once in fortnight or month they used to clean this pit. When the pit is cleaned after so long, there is highly likely that lot of bacteria can grow on this matter. Then people started thinking how to get rid of this problem economically. Even today salt is one of the cheapest available ingredient used in our kitchen. Thus salt became the choice to prevent the growth of bacteria/fungi on this house hold dirt and hence people started using salt. In improvisation of this process, each person was asked to have a little more salt in their leaf and rub that salt all over the leaf once the meal is over and thus avoiding the growth of the bacterial for some time may be till their pit is cleaned up.