Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Panchamrutha(m) or Panchamrith to break our fast (although not a complete breakfast)

Topic: Have a half cup (a table spoonful) of panchamrutha as soon as pooja is completed in the early morning.

Myth: It contains banana / curd (yogurt) / milk / honey / ghee which are rich energy source and hence cause increase in stomach acidity.

Reason: Overnight during our sleep all the food taken during the previous day is all digested and by the time of breakfast in the morning the stomach is empty for more than 3 hours. There would be a good amount of gastric acid produced in the stomach without any food to act upon. This means the stomach is highly acidic than normal. In case of few people they should be able to sustain this acidity but in few cases it will result in heartburn.
As we know milk / curd very rich in calcium and always know for soothing the heartburn issues.
The other ingredients banana / honey adds coating on to the esophagus ensuring there would be no damage done to it by the stomach acids. Also the fiber content in banana facilitates the movement of the content present in stomach further into the intestine.
Ghee is an excellent option for those suffering from digestive issues like ulcers or acid reflux. It is an excellent ingredient to balance excess stomach acid and repair the mucus lining of the stomach.

Thus a table spoon / half cup of pancha (5 ingredients) amrutha (nectar of immortality) cleans the stomach and ensures best digestive power for the entire day.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

No Salt to be left over in the plate after meal.

Topic: Left over salt in the plate after meal should be rubbed on the plate so that no salt is left in the plate.

Myth: If salt is left over on the plate, the person who is having meal is in low confidence (Viswas) with the person who is offering the meal.

Reason: Any food content which has high salt content is generally subject to low contamination for example pickles have very high salt content and thus they are preserved for long time even with out any preservatives. In early days most of the time there were no plates and people used to eat food in leaves(ex banana leaf). Now a days we have dustbin and generally we clean the dustbin on a daily basis, but in olden days they used to have the concept of pit in which the house hold dirt would be collected and only once in fortnight or month they used to clean this pit. When the pit is cleaned after so long, there is highly likely that lot of bacteria can grow on this matter. Then people started thinking how to get rid of this problem economically. Even today salt is one of the cheapest available ingredient used in our kitchen. Thus salt became the choice to prevent the growth of bacteria/fungi on this house hold dirt and hence people started using salt. In improvisation of this process, each person was asked to have a little more salt in their leaf and rub that salt all over the leaf once the meal is over and thus avoiding the growth of the bacterial for some time may be till their pit is cleaned up.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Usage of noble metals

Topic: Usage of metals in the form of ornaments.

Myth: Its just a fashion in this part of the world which is in practice from ages.

Reason: In the early days as we say when human started dwelling on the earth, there was no law and order neither any humanity etc.. Only because of 'The Great Manu' our culture started developing. His laws are very popularly know as 'Manusmriti'. Only after his laws were postulated, the concept of marriage is there. In those days they used 'Tali' as a recognition that the women is married. Tali was mere a thread with turmeric paste and dried and a turmeric root tied to the thread. As my guess says there was something else which was used for the recognition of a married women before the usage of turmeric (This is merely a guess and no proof or logical thinking). Gradually some science development was in progress and only after some significant scientific research the turmeric root and turmeric paste is used for this purpose. As we all know turmeric has a very high medicinal value. The then scientists came to a conclusion, if its there on women's neck it will help in building a good health. Now you can ask me why they choose neck and not any other part of the body. Neck is the first part where we get sweat more and more as we start sweating. That means there are lot of pores here. Don't you think this would be a good place to keep the medicine which can gradually diffuse into the body? The same conclusion was drawn by our great grand fathers and hence usage of turmeric.
Now coming to the usage of metals on body. As I said science is not static it always progresses. Metals were discovered, slowly the usage of metals in the development of our health was also studied. Now turmeric is replaced with the gold. This started looking fancy and hence development of lot of ornaments and their usage. Now a days people take gold sol injections and you know the reason why they do. Not only gold, all the noble metals do serve the purpose of building good health. As a further development people started recognising the importance of the gems like ruby, diamond, topaz, etc.. and hence embedded them into these ornaments which look more fancy than metal alone.
One observation, I want to bring to your notice. When eye starts flickering and you report to your fellow friend or someone the immediate question they ask is which eye. For men its right eye and for women its left eye, if it start flickering then they say your luck will be good in the near future. But science says flickering is due to problem in blood circulation in that zone. When this happens married ladies use their 'Tali' touch whichever eye is flickering and after sometime the flickering stops. This is what made me think the importance of metals on our body.

Do correct me with comments if I am analysing in wrong direction.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Rub palms in the morning

Topic: Rub our palms, warm up eyes and then open our eyes slowly when we wake up in the morning.

Myth: Its just a practice in our culture from our ancestors to do so and hence we carry on with it or just neglect saying this is just a superstition.

Reason: Eyes have two types of photoreceptors - Rods and Cones. Rods detect the light where as cones distinguish the colors - red, blue and green. Cones are non functional in the dark and hence in the night if we are in sudden dark our eyes strain out and even same when we are out of sudden dark. This is because it takes a fraction of minute for the cones to become active. Similarly when we are asleep these photoreceptors are in a rested state, if we suddenly open eyes they will be strained out. When I was kid (about 10-15 yrs back), my observation says sight defect was prominent for middle and old aged people(which was a gradual loss of function) but now a days we can observe even small kids have a high sightedness defects. This happens because kids are stressed more now a days and eyes are not cared properly. One step of care to protect eye is to rub our palms and warm up our eyes when we getup (not only in the morning) from sleep. This activity makes our eyes warm, so that this heat activates the photoreceptors present in eyes. Just observe the changes in the eye health by practicing this activity for atleast 3 months (personal experience is good).

Friday, October 30, 2009

Slokam-In the morning

Topic: It is a practice in many orthodox families to get up saying a prayer.

Myth: Done as a tribute to Divine for blessed pleasant sleep and keep the same ahead in the day and hence further.

Reason: Anyone who get up early in the morning chant the sloka

karAgrE vasthE lakShmee, karamaDhyE saraswathi
karamoolE sThithO gauree praBhAtE kara darShanam

On observing each word in the sloka, "ka" is prominent. Just by this can you infer something? If not try to say the sloka once and then think the scientific reason, before you go further down and complete this post.

I hope you had tried chanting the sloka. The word "ka" is very important in this context. To pronounce "ka" uvula(ಕಿರುನಾಲ್ಗೆ/अलिज़िह्न) is used. The word "rA" is pronounced using the tip of the tongue touching the upper lingua. Once again in "grE" uvula is used. In total to pronounce "KarAgrE" around 3 suborgans of our mouth is used. On similar lines if you observe in chanting the whole sloka all parts of the mouth involved in vocal(production of sound) are used. This is like a warm up to your vocal parts as they had went to rest during sleep.